A true 21st century icon! Steve Jobs, Will apple be the same!?

This post was written a year ago on my old blog and i thought i would post it here to discuss in a future post the implication of what i wrote a year ago and to see what predictions where right and wrong and also which are yet to be founded.
Originally written 6 October 2011:
I wasn’t going to blog again so soon about apple and most Importantly the iconic Steve Jobs, but I feel like many bloggers it would rude not to pay tribute to such a marketing Genius and a person of the people.
The legacy
Never before have we seen all members of society griped and universally represented by one brand!

Was this an accident, no it wasn’t!

This was a vision of a man who can lay claim to being the brain child of Geek Chic. Steve Jobs & apple gave the world a fashion accessory that also boasted the specification to send the most tech savvy member of the public crazy.
Steve Jobs has left a legacy that has revolutionised technology of the 21st century and has driven innovation in design to the optimum. Always shocking the audience with pleasant surprises, whether this be  with the latest concepts that have been shrouded in secrecy or a adaption to current products.
But looking away from the technology and more at the man behind the brand. Steve Jobs was to apple, what Richard Branson is to Virgin. Not only a face but also a personality that the world warms to and most importantly buys into. These figure heads represent the individuality of the brand. Which why I believe the importance to a brands success is the communication and personality presented to the public.
With apple losing such an iconic personality can apple still appeal to the masses when the legacy of Steve Jobs is no longer in the blood of the company.
As when Steve Jobs got acrimoniously sacked in the 80’s from apple there was a steady decline in the power of the apple brand and almost sent them out of existence. But on the back his remarkable success with Pixar Steve Jobs returned to apple in 1996 and revolutionised the company, soon re-establishing himself at the Helm of the apple resurgence!
Although previously apple declined under Steve Jobs predecessor, I  believe apple will grow stronger through the death of Steve Jobs, as the legacy left is one that has inspired a generation.  An as the people Steve Jobs  inspired take their place within the technology and marketing world, apple will be stronger.

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